domingo, 23 de marzo de 2008

Libertad The Province of Jurisprudence ... - Google Book Search

The Province of Jurisprudence ... - Google Book Search: "civil liberty is the not being restrained by any law, but what conduces in a greater degree to the public welfare :' ' to do what we will, is natural liberty; to do what we will, consistently with the interest of the community to which we belong, is civil liberty. - Page 251
Appears in 107 books from 1788-2006

or evil, then, is only the conformity or disagreement of our voluntary actions to some law, whereby good or evil is drawn on us by the will and power of the law-maker: which - Page 166
Appears in 232 books from 1796-2007"

Mandato The Province of Jurisprudence

The Province of Jurisprudence ... - Google Book Search: "are dependent. The position of its other members towards that determinate superior, is a state of subjection, or a state of dependence. The mutual relation which subsists between that superior and them, may be styled the relation of sovereign and subject, or the relation of sovereignty and subjection. Hence it follows, that it is only through an - Page 187
Appears in 62 books from 1832-2004

with a wish which you signify, I am bound or obliged by your command, or I lie under a duty to obey it. If, in spite of that evil in prospect, I comply not with the wish which you signify, I am said to disobey your command, or to violate the duty which it imposes. The - Page 10
Appears in 44 books from 1832-2005

comply not with your wish, the expression or intimation of your wish is a command. A command is distinguished from other significations of desire, not by the style in which the desire is signified, but by the power and the purpose of the party commanding to inflict an - Page 9
Appears in 49 books from 1832-2006"

Soberano. The Province of Jurisprudence ...

The Province of Jurisprudence ... - Google Book Search: "that the laws of God (whether they are revealed, or are indicated by general utility) are superior in obligation to any other laws : that no human laws are of any validity, if contrary to them : that all human laws which are valid, derive all their force, and all their authority, mediately or immediately, from those divine originals. - Page 250
Appears in 276 books from 1766-2007

or circuitously, by a sovereign individual or body, to a member or members of the independent political society wherein its author is supreme. In other words, It is set, directly or circuitously, by a monarch or sovereign number, to a person or persons in a state of subjection to its author. This - Page 336
Appears in 159 books from 1832-2007

a determinate human superior, not in a habit of obedience to a like superior, receive habitual obedience from the bulk of a given society, that determinate superior is sovereign in that society, and the society (including the superior) is a society political and independent. - Page 186
Appears in 250 books from 1832-2007"

jueves, 20 de marzo de 2008

Cita sobre claridad, precisión y exactitud

"Pienso que claridad (en el uso del lenguaje) significa entre otras cosas, el uso de terminología comprensible en principio por todos -el (los) emisor (es) y el (los) receptor (es)-, realizada en lo posible con orden, es decir, corrección en cuanto al empleo de las reglas idiomáticas (por ejemplo, semántica correcta, sintaxis correcta). Por precisión, en cambio, entiendo una aproximación a la idea de detalle; y, por exactitud, entiendo coherencia o correspondencia entre lo pensado y la realidad. De allí quedan tácitas ciertas consecuencias posibles:

Un lenguaje puede ser claro, pero muy impreciso. El lenguaje empleado puede ser fácilmente comprensible, es decir, no generar dudas sobre lo que se quiere decir, pero impreciso (altamente, medianamente, o no tanto). A la inversa, el lenguaje puede ser poco claro, pero no por ello impreciso (en cuanto al objeto que se está especificando). A veces se ha dicho de ciertos filósofos, que su lenguaje es oscuro, pero ello no significa que sea impreciso. En otra hipótesis más favorable, es decir habiendo una sumatoria -por ejemplo en una exposición verbal o escrita- de claridad y precisión, puede presentarse -sin embargo- un alto grado de inexactitud (es decir, no correspondencia entre lo afirmado y la realidad)!" pp. 61 y 62.

J. Bautista Pfeiffer,"Reflexiones sobre Lenguaje, Derecho y Justicia", en Revista Telemática del Derecho , 11, 2007, pp. 57-74 ( 4-03-2008).